Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Turquoise, Red Checkered Kitchen. What?

Don't you just love when you find proof that your eclectic taste isn't wrong?  Like when I painted my house lantern yellow and added a blue roof.  My daughter came home and asked me, "Mom, have you lost your mind".  Or when my neighbor stopped by several months after I moved in and told me that he and the other neighbors thought I was one of them artists from Austin.  You know the kind.  That is just too funny! 

I always dreamed of a mint green kitchen with red accents.  So when I moved into my dream house I got what I wanted.  Of course when I hung red gingham curtains my kids thought it was weird. 

I particularly love Red Rose Tea metal signs.  I found this one in French on Ebay from Canada.

I was at one of my favorite stores yesterday called "Gatherings" here in Corpus Christi and came across a new line of kitchen textiles from a company in Holland called Pip Studio.    The tea towel I found has all the colors from my kitchen including turquoise, red, and mint green! 


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